Saturday, February 28, 2009

Day 5.2

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Although she is asked to travel south
with the caravan, Lily declines and
explains her path lies to the north.

They part graciously.

Sorry this is a bit delayed. Instead of scanning and posting it this morning when I did the other, I opted to sleep, then tour the local BigLots instead.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

Day 5

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As the folk pack the next morning,
one punctures the haze of Lily's nightmare
with coffee, hotcakes, and an invitation.

Good morning! Herculean effort here. I'm slobbery tired, but hauled myself out of bed super early to scan and post this.

Here is the first painting of the new-paper batch. The paper's not as smooth as what I started with, but on recommendation from Amy, I got a watercolor block (of Strathmore 400 instead of 300) and it's working out smashingly.

Please permit me to crawl back into bed for a short while longer...

Friday, February 27, 2009

Day 4.5

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Lily's name returns to her that night in the form of a dream--
-- Wyett calling to her from his own sickbed,
and she with no healing to give.

Day 4.4

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Around the fire that night there are bright laughs
accompanying joyful music. Lily is spun in dancing
circles till all collapse, exhausted.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 4.3

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Lily inquires after the ill one.
They show her to the sickbed with
inviting hands and mistrusting eyes.
She does what she can.

Day 4.2

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No names are spoken within earshot of Lily,
theirs or her own. She learns they are traveling
traders, but not traveling. One is quite sick.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day 4

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Morning begins before Lily knows it is night.
The folk move about worriedly and speak
in hushed tones. Jack is welcomed gently.

Lily, too.