Thursday, January 29, 2009

All of Day 0

Here are all the posts from Day 0 all in a tidy line.
Click on any image to view it larger!

The live, in their quiet way, on the wild southern frontier.
Lily and Wyett run wild in summer, curl up in winter, perennially in love.

One deceptively peaceful day, horsemen break the silence as they gallop
through the fields with news of chaos and battle in the northwest

By the time Wyett announces his wish to join them and aid his homeland,
Lily has his bags ready: packed with provisions and love.

"Travel to Parlion on the safety of the eastern road.
I will find you there when there is once again peace
on the northern border."

"While you defend the defenseless, I'll search the eastern slopes
for purest color and brightest sounds, making secrets and things unseen."

"And will you miss me?"

"Any day I don't see you, I miss you"

"And do you love me?"

"As long as light casts shadow,
I will love you"

Lily and Wyett have one last dinner together
before they begin their solitary journeys.
They speak only with their eyes.

They curl together deep into the night.

Knowing daybreak will bring loneliness,
both fight sleep as long as they are able.

After falling into a doze, Lily opens
her eyes to find herself in deep darkness.
She is spared and denied a painful goodbye.

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